Effectiveness in the application of the principle of necessity of states of exception in Ecuador in 2020-2021
state of exception, principle of necessity, violation of rightsAbstract
This article focuses on the analysis of the effectiveness of the application of the principle of necessity in the states of emergency decreed in Ecuador in the period 2020-2021. In order to develop such analysis, the doctrine and regulations dealing with constitutional principles were taken into account, particularly those referring to the principle of necessity. Also analyzed were the rulings issued by the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court on states of emergency, not only those issued in the period analyzed but others that were considered of particular importance for the purposes of this research. In this regard, the application of the principle of necessity in such states of exception was analyzed, both in those that were caused by the situation caused by the COVID19 pandemic and in those based on the situation of violence in prisons and the internal commotion resulting from the increase in criminal activity in Ecuador. The analyses and results obtained, in addition to the frequency with which states of exception have been declared in Ecuador, demonstrate their ineffectiveness, as well as the violation of the principle of necessity in some of the states of exception declared between 2020 and 2021.
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