From the phonological level of the language to oral reading: a necessary path



oral reading, phonological level, workshops, corrective


This article aims to offer considerations related to the necessary treatment of oral reading from the phonological level of the language and is the result of the author's master's studies. Based on the dimensions and indicators designed from a cognitive, communicative and sociocultural perspective, which take the form of a system of workshops, students can receive corrective attention according to their needs in order to develop reading skills that will lead them to achieve effective reading. The proposal was applied in the Bachelor's Degree in Education, specializing in Spanish-Literature at the University of Las Tunas, where its relevance and feasibility were corroborated. It is flexible, since it can be applied at other teaching levels.


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How to Cite

Altarriba Daudinot, E. I. (2023). From the phonological level of the language to oral reading: a necessary path. Opuntia Brava, 15(4), 281–291. Retrieved from


