Solvency and financial liquidity of Mexican family-owned companies before and during Covid-19
family business, financial liquidity and solvency, covid-19.Abstract
The objective of this research was to describe the working capital, solvency and liquidity of Mexican family firms listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. A descriptive study was conducted on family firms in 2019 and 2020. A sample of 30 family firms was selected from a database of 121 firms. The method of financial ratios of liquidity and solvency was used. The results obtained were that more than the average managed to increase their working capital to meet their operating cycle. A tendency was identified for the companies studied to increase their liquidity ratio by 60%, with an r=0.86 correlated with the current ratio. Despite the fact that more than the average of the companies studied seek to keep the shares within the family, there is no strong evidence to correlate the shares owned by the family and the financial ratios studied. It is concluded that Mexican family businesses, in times of crisis, tend to strategically face the inclemencies of the external environment by increasing financial liquidity to meet their short-term obligations.
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