Proposal of activities to favor the comprehension of literary texts in ninth grade students


  • Michelle María Álvarez Amargós Master in Latin American Culture. Bachelor of Arts. Assistant Professor of the Department of Spanish-Literature. University of Granma. Cuba.
  • Leydis Marlien Masagué Gómez Bachelor's Degree in Education: Spanish-Literature. Teacher in training of the Humanities Department of the ESBU "William Soler Ledea". Granma. Cuba.


comprehension, literary text, intertextuality, motivational learning.


In spite of text comprehension being one of the topics most addressed by the teaching bibliography at present, there are still serious difficulties in the teaching-learning process of this component in the Spanish-Literature class. Based on the insufficiencies detected in relation to the topic in the ninth grade of the ESBU William Soler Ledea of the municipality of Jiguaní, the present work established as an objective the elaboration of a proposal of activities with the purpose of favoring the comprehension of literary texts in the students of this grade. The elaborated proposal was based on two works, one in prose and the other in verse, for the development of a system of exercises that emphasized both the integration and contextualization of knowledge, in the three levels of comprehension and in the development of strategies for self-regulated learning in a motivated way. These activities were validated in a socialization workshop in which the proposal was enriched and its importance for the scientific-methodological preparation of teachers and for the development of students' cognitive independence was recognized.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Amargós, M. M., & Masagué Gómez, L. M. (2021). Proposal of activities to favor the comprehension of literary texts in ninth grade students. Opuntia Brava, 13(4), 1–14. Retrieved from


