Cognitive strategy to prevent Ddos attacks on web servers


  • Maidel de la Rosa Téllez Master's Degree in Educational Technologies. Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Technical and Agricultural Sciences. University of Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Mirelis Alcina Reyes Master's Degree in Educational Technologies. Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Technical and Agricultural Sciences. University of Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Ariel Céspedez Pérez Master's Degree in Applied Informatics. Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Technical and Agricultural Sciences. University of Las Tunas, Cuba.


DDoS, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Computer attacks.


The security of computer networks has become one of the fundamental issues of all entities, since it depends on this that the information is available, safe and reliable. During the development of this research with the use of tools it was possible to verify the existence of the vulnerability to attacks based on Denial of Service in the Web server with the Wordpress content manager, once corrected the configurations at Firewall and application level, it was possible to verify that this vulnerability had been solved, allowing the operation of the service under this type of attacks.


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How to Cite

de la Rosa Téllez, M., Alcina Reyes, M., & Céspedez Pérez, A. (2021). Cognitive strategy to prevent Ddos attacks on web servers. Opuntia Brava, 13(1), 102–112. Retrieved from


