From Chaparra to Jesús Menéndez, an anthropological approach to his politics and cultural management
anthropology, culture, anthropological characteristics, cultural heritage.Abstract
Anthropology, as a science, must value culture as a social construction subject to permanent processes of modeling and building a future that already lives among the population. The study of this category facilitates an action adjusted to the felt needs of the subjects to whom the actions of any research are directed for the promotion of culture in pursuit of explanations about "other culture" and the application of scientific knowledge to the reality in question. In this sense, the present investigation is directed with the objective of investigating and socializing the theoretical arsenal available on the basis of the anthropological characteristics of the Chaparra community located in the municipality of Jesús Menéndez, in the period from January 2019 to January 2020. Through it, characteristics are shown that define the town of Chaparra on the basis of a theoretical analysis of its customs and other dynamics linked to cultural management that interest the study of anthropology. For this purpose, a bibliographic review of local materials was carried out, and theoretical methods were applied in order to achieve the desired objective. The application of these methods made it possible to understand the cultural heritage in relation to the topic raised, as well as the fundamental characteristics in terms of their customs, traditions and ways of acting linked to the cultural heritage of the territory.
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