Strategy for the educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in primary education
educational inclusion, inclusive conscience, intellectual disability.Abstract
One of the most recent challenges in primary education is to achieve a successful conduction in the process of educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities, an element that continues as an object of study and argument from pedagogy. Therefore, this article presents a strategy that favors the educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities at this level of education. It is structured in stages and moments within these. It was applied in the "Tony Alomá" elementary school in the province of Las Tunas, based on the influence of socializing agents as protagonists in the process of formation and education of all students. Favorable results were achieved in terms of the levels of inclusive awareness, participation, acceptance, sensitivity, learning and work preparation of students with these characteristics. The actions developed allowed transformations in teachers, specialists, family members, community members and especially in the attitude of people towards learners with intellectual disabilities. The fundamental research methods used for this study were historical and logical, analysis and critique of sources, systemic approach, participant observation and the study of the products of the pedagogical process.
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