University emotional education in times of covid-19: a challenge for teachers of the Ephermery career



lesson, emotional education, COVID-19


The training of future professionals involves not only the acquisition of knowledge and the development of cognitive abilities and capacities. In times of crisis and pandemic, the emotional education of university students has become more necessary, especially in the Nursing Career. However, university professors pay less attention to this aspect during their classes. In order to mitigate this problem, the present article proposed the following objective: to increase the preparation of the Nursing career students through methodological recommendations to teachers for the treatment of emotional education. In the scope of this end, research methods of the theoretical level were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical and modeling. These allowed the study of the subject, the characterization of the research object and the elaboration of the proposal. In addition, indicators and criteria were proposed for evaluating its effectiveness. From this study carried out, there is an accurate guide for teachers to work on the emotionality of students in the Nursing Career, increasing their preparation for better professional performance.


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How to Cite

Acosta Gaibor, M. P., Rojas Machado, M. E., & Hinojosa Guerrero, M. M. (2021). University emotional education in times of covid-19: a challenge for teachers of the Ephermery career. Opuntia Brava, 13(2), 222–236. Retrieved from


