Método para la formación de la competencia informático-pedagógica en la Educación Técnica y
Cleofo Ávila Figueredo
Orlando Martínez Cuba
Angela Lilia Rodríguez Maden
Volumen: 17
Número: 1
Año: 2025
Recepción: 23/09/2024 Aprobado: 08/01/2025
Artículo original
Palabras clave: estudiantes, Educación Técnica y Profesional, método, formación,
competencia informático-pedagógica.
The article offers a response to one of the problems present in the training process of
the student of the specialty Professor of Technical and Professional Education, in the
Computer Science branch, which reflects insufficiencies in the ways for the formation of
computer-pedagogical competence as essence for its performance in the direction of the
Professional Pedagogical Process of the Computer Science subjects in the technical
and labor specialties of this educational level. Consists of developing a method that,
from its dynamics, enables the formation of computer-pedagogical competence in
students of said specialty. For its development, different research methods were
integrated, including inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis, scientific observation,
survey and descriptive statistics, which made it possible to carry out a diagnostic
process. which not only demonstrated the existence of the problem, but also the
relevance of developing a new method for its solution. The professional computer-
pedagogical training method is offered, structured by the procedures: identification of
professional computer-pedagogical content and formulation of problematic questions;
heuristic organization and socialization; practical concretion and evaluation of
professional computer-pedagogical content and the student's professional growth. With
the implementation and integration of the actions offered by the procedures, a new
dynamic was established that contributed to the formation of computer-pedagogical
competence in the students of the Professor of Technical and Professional Education
specialty in the Computer science branch, from the levels that direct its training
Key words: students, Technical and Professional Education, method, training,
computer-pedagogical competence.
La formación de profesores es tarea permanente de la sociedad cubana desde sus
orígenes. Las diferentes maneras de realizarse se condicionan, en un primer momento,
por tres grandes períodos históricos por los que transita: colonia, república neocolonial
y sociedad socialista y un segundo momento, por los resultados del desarrollo
científico-técnico que se aplican al proceso de enseñanza en el Sistema Educativo
Cubano. Después del triunfo de la Revolución cubana, los hitos que indican los saltos
cualitativos en el progreso de la educación, tienen como una de sus tareas la promoción
y el perfeccionamiento de la formación de los estudiantes que se forman como
profesores en todos los niveles educacionales del país.
Es por ello que en la Educación Técnica y Profesional (ETP), como una vía para
resolver los problemas de cobertura docente en los diferentes territorios del país, a
partir del perfeccionamiento que se lleva a cabo en esta educación desde el curso
escolar 2016-2017, retoma la formación de profesores para la ETP, dentro de la que se
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